Shady Mohammed Fernas for Define Departments Fernas سجل دلوقتي [1] [1]
Shady Mohammed A course in construction equipment, cranes, and Mechanical Erection systems of Segmental and Cable-Stayed Bridges ادورة فى المعدات الانشائية والاوناش وانظمة التركيب للكبارى والمعلقة ** **...
Shady Mohammed 2nd Term Irregular Exam Schedule [1] Previous [2] Next [1] #slideshow_1718101386464 [2] #slideshow_1718101386464...
Shady Mohammed Arab Industrialization Authority Engines Factory Arab Industrialization Authority Engines Factory ** **...
menna The Activities of visit of The National Authority For Educational Quality and Accreditation One of the activities is the visit of the National Authority for Educational Quality and Accreditation...
menna Iftar Ramadan *Mr. Prof. Dr. Elwy El-Kholy, Dean of the Institute, has the honor to invite all the Institute’s employees to attend a group breakfast on Wednesday 4/3/2024.* Happy new year to all...
menna Summer Training Announcement * The Training Department announces summer training in the following places *...
menna The use of artificial intelligence in architecture *The Institute of Aviation Engineering and Technology is honored to hold an online symposium on the use of artificial intelligence in architecture* *Activities of the symposium on the use...